Animal Welfare Issues

Submitted Comments

Standards Implementation and Enforcement


Resources from ICFAW Members

Case studies from ICFAW Members

Pig Husbandry

The global business case for higher welfare for pigs raised for meat [English | Simplified Chinese] - World Animal Protection

The global business case for group sow housing with enrichment [English | Thai | Simplified Chinese] - World Animal Protection

Driving free farrowing in Italy’s speciality cured meat products - Compassion in World Farming

Laying hens

Higher welfare barn system for laying hens - Compassion in World Farming

Planting trees to encourage ranging behaviour in laying hens - Compassion in World Farming

In ovo sex technology to avoid the culling of male chicks - Compassion in World Farming

broiler chickens

Higher welfare broiler housing (pdf) (video) - Compassion in World Farming

Making the financial case for more humane chicken production - World Animal Protection

beef cattle

Higher welfare rosé veal and beef - Compassion in World Farming

Equines and working animals

How the welfare of working animals delivers for sustainable development - International Coalition for Working Equids

Video on the welfare of working equids (in English with Spanish subtitles) - WOAH, in collaboration with ICWE


Group housing for does - Compassion in World Farming


Transport of pregnant heifers from Messingen, Germany, to Uzbekistan - Animals’ Angels

The Welfare of Dromedary Camels during Road Transport in the Middle East - Animals’ Angels


Developing an electrical stunning system for European sea bass and gilthead sea bream (pdf) (video) - Compassion in World Farming

disaster and conflict response

Beyond Rescue : animals in disasters - Europe - [English | French | Dutch | German ] - International Fund for Animal Welfare

Animals, people and war, the impact of conflits - International Fund for Animal Welfare

The bases and value of preventing and mitigating disaster risk in cattle: Chihuahua, Mexico after the 2011 drought - World Animal Protection

Typhoon Haiyan: effective response, preparedness and resilience in the Philippines - World Animal Protection

Sendai Framework: External affairs action on the global stage - World Animal Protection

Implementing the Sendai Framework: lessons from Costa Rica - World Animal Protection

Implementing the Sendai Framework: lessons from India - World Animal Protection